Friday, September 21, 2012

Mileage Report

This week's total mileage came to 6.6mi.  For my first week back, not too shabby!  There was also a head cold in there that slowed today's run down, I'm blaming the sinus meds.  My "long" run this week was 3.2mi on Tues.  I am really pleased that I didn't lose as much of my base as I thought I would while recovering from surgery.
In other news, we are all set to register for the race, before those silly fees go up!!  153 days to go!

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Run!

Pretend that you didn't read the first post about my return to running.  Jared and I just got in from my first run since surgery.  HOORAY for running!  It wasn't as terrible or frustrating as I thought it would be.  Jared, the ever-wise coach, made me leave all my technology at home.  Good idea.  I enjoyed just being out and not moving at a snail's pace, while we ran/walked around the neighborhood.  Surprisingly, I was able to run several blocks at a time, contrary to what I expected.  So today's successes were cute sweaters while shopping and a very motivating run through the neighborhood.  Woot!  Disney Princess Half, here I come!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 1 in Review

This week has mostly been about getting my workouts back on track and consistency with my food journal.  So far, pretty good.  I was reminded that my consistency with eating isn't the best.  Some days I ate way too much and others (like yesterday), I didn't remember to eat until after noon.
The workouts this week were good and my incisions are well enough into their healing that I could do most of the cardio bursts.  YAY!!  I managed (in my not-so-busy schedule) 4 JM workouts.
Katie, I finished "Run Like a Mother" this morning.  I usually lose interest in books before I reach the end of them, but this was a great motivator and progressed in a circular thinking pattern, which I totally followed.
Lastly on the training news front, I was talking with Jodi about the half and we decided we would do some training runs together.  I assured her that I'm pretty slow with my pace, so hopefully we can throw some speed workouts in there too.  I'm always happy to have another running buddy, so I can still explore new trails, even when Jared is busy/sleeping.
I have come no further on the costume decision.

Until next week~ Happy Running Trails!